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    JGGC Series Vertical Multistage Centrifugal Pump

    Characteristics & Advantages

    * Vital parts, such as impellers, guide vanes, pump casing and shaft are made from stainless steel JGGC(QDL) series or all parts liquid passes through are made from stainless steel JGGC(QDL-N) series
    * Bearings and mechanical seals are made from tungsten carbide.
    * Rigid coupling for drive
    * Less overall dimensions, lighter & corrosion resistance
    * Less vibration, lower noise, less floor area & long operating life
    * High efficiency, hence energysaving, with a good look

    Table Of Technical Data

    Model stages Qcapacity Hhead nrpm eff shaftpower Motor (NPSH)r D.oflmpet
    n m3/h l/s m r/min % KW Model m mm
    JGGC(QDL/QDL-N)0.6 2 0.3 0.08 17 2900 12.5 0.11 0.55 2 95
    0.6 0.16 16 18 0.15
    0.8 0.22 14.6 22 0.15 Y712-2
    3 0.3 0.08 25.5 12.5 0.17 0.55
    0.6 0.16 24 18 0.22
    0.8 0.22 21.9 22 0.22 Y712-2
    4 0.3 0.08 34 12.5 0.22 0.55
    0.6 0.16 32 18 0.29
    0.8 0.22 29.2 22 0.29 Y712-2
    5 0.3 0.08 42.5 12.5 0.28 0.55
    0.6 0.16 40 18 0.36
    0.8 0.22 36.5 22 0.36 Y712-2
    6 0.3 0.08 51 12.8 0.33 0.55
    0.6 0.16 48 18 0.44
    0.8 0.22 43.8 22 0.44 Y801-2
    7 0.3 0.08 59.5 12.5 0.39 0.55
    0.6 0.16 56 18 0.51
    0.8 0.22 51.1 22 0.51 Y801-2
    Model stages Qcapacity Hhead nrpm eff shaftpower Motor (NPSH)r D.oflmpet
    n m3/h l/s m r/min % KW Model m mm
    JGGC(QDL/QDL-N)0.6 8 0.3 0.08 68 2900 12.5 0.44 0.75 2 95
    0.6 0.16 64 18 0.58
    0.8 0.22 58.4 22 0.58 Y801-2
    9 0.3 0.08 76.5 12.5 0.5 1.1
    0.6 0.16 72 18 0.65
    O.8 0.22 65.7 22 0.65 Y802-2
    10 0.3 0.08 85 12.5 0.56 1.1
    0.6 0.16 80 18 0.73
    0.8 0.22 73 22 0.72 Y802-2
    11 0.3 0.08 93.5 12.5 0.61 1.1
    0.6 0.16 88 18 0.8
    0.8 0.22 80.3 22 0.8 Y802-2
    12 0.3 0.08 102 12.5 0.67 1.1
    0.6 0.16 96 18 0.87
    0.8 0.22 87.6 22 0;87 Y802-2
    13 0.3 0.08 0.5 12.5 0.72 1.1
    0.6 0.16 104 18 0.94
    0.8 0.22 94.9 22 0.94 Y802-2
    14 0.3 0.08 119 12.5 0.78 1.5
    0.6 0.16 112 18 1.02
    0.8 0.22 102.2 22 1.01 Y90S-2
    15 0.3 0.08 127.5 12.5 0.83 1.5
    0.6 0.16 120 18 1.09
    0.8 0.22 109.5 22 1.08 Y90S-2
    16 0.3 0.08 136 12.5 0.89 1.5
    0.6 0.16 128 18 1.16
    0.8 0.22 116.8 22 1.16 Y90S-2
    17 0.3 0.08 144.5 12.5 0.94 1.5
    0.6 0.16 136 18 1.23
    0.8 0.22 124.1 22 1.23 Y90S-2
    18 0.3 0.08 153 12.5 1 1.5
    0.6 0.16 144 18 1.31
    0.8 0.22 131.4 22 1.3 Y90S-2
    19 0.3 0.08 161.5 12.5 1.06 2.2
    0.6 0.16 152 18 1.38
    0.8 0.22 138.7 22 1.37 Y90L-2
    20 0.3 0.08 170 12.5 1.11 2.2
    0.6 0.16 160 18 1.45
    0.8 0.22 146 22 1.45 Y90L-2
    21 0.3 0.08 178.5 12.5 1.17 2.2
    0.6 0.16 168 18 1.52
    0.8 0.22 153.3 22 1.52 Y90L-2
    22 0.3 0.08 187 12.5 1.22 2.2
    0.6 0.16 176 18 1.6
    0.8 0.22 160.6 22 1.59 Y90L-2
    JGGC(QDL/QDL-N)2 2 1 0.28 18 2900 32 0.16 0.55 2 95
    2 0.56 17 38 0.25
    2.4 0.67 16 39 0.27 Y712-2
    3 1 0.28 27 32 0.24 0.75
    2 0.56 25.5 38 0.39
    2.4 0.67 24 39 0.4 Y801-2
    4 1 0.28 36 32 0.32 1.1
    2 0.56 24 38 0.51
    2.4 0.67 32 39 0.54 Y802-2
    5 1 0.28 45 32 0.4 1.1
    2 0.56 42.5 38 0.64
    2.4 0.67 40 39 0.67 Y802-2
    6 1 0.28 54 32 0.48 1.5
    2 0.56 51 38 0.77
    2.4 0.67 48 39 0.8 Y90S-2
    7 1 0.28 63 32 0.56 1.5
    2 0.56 59.5 38 0.9
    2.4 0.67 56 39 0.94 Y90S-2
    8 1 0.28 72 32 0.64 1.5
    2 0.56 68 38 1.03
    2.4 0.67 64 39 1.07 Y90S-2
    9 1 0.28 81 32 0.72 1.5
    2 0.56 76.5 38 1.16
    2.4 0.67 72 39 1.21 Y90S-2
    10 1 0.28 90 32 0.8 1.5
    2 0.56 85 38 1.29
    2.4 0.67 80 39 1.34 Y90S-2
    11 1 0.28 99 32 0.88 1.5
    2 0.56 93.5 38 1.42
    2.4 0.67 88 39 1.47 Y90S-2
    12 1 0.28 108 32 0.96 2.2
    2 0.56 102 38 1.55
    2.4 0.67 96 39 1.61 Y90S-2
    Model stages Qcapacity Hhead nrpm eff shaftpower Motor (NPSH)r D.oflmpet
    n m3/h l/s m r/min % KW Model m mm
    JGGC(QDL/QDL-N)2 13 1 0.28 117 2900 32 1.04 2.2 2 95
    2 0.56 110.5 38 1.68
    2.4 0.67 104 39 1.74 Y90L-2
    14 1 0.28 126 32 1.12 2.2
    2 0.56 119 38 1.8
    2.4 0.67 112 39 1.88 Y90L-2
    15 1 0.28 135 32 1.2 22
    2 0.56 127.5 38 1.93
    2.4 0.67 120 39 2.01 Y90L-2
    16 1 0.28 144 32 1.28 3
    2 0.56 136 38 2.06
    2.4 0.67 128 39 2.14 Y100L-2
    17 1 0.28 153 32 1.36 3
    2 0.56 144.5 38 2.19
    2.4 0.67 136 39 2.28 Y100L-2
    18 1 0.28 162 32 1.44 3
    2 0.56 153 38 2.32
    2.4 0.67 144 39 2.41 Y100L-2
    19 1 0.28 171 32 1.52 3
    2 0.56 161.5 38 2.45
    2.4 0.67 152 39 2.55 Y100L-2
    20 1 0.28 180 32 0.6 3
    2 0.56 170 38 2.57
    2.4 0.67 160 39 2.68 Y100L-2
    21 1 0.28 189 32 1.68 3
    2 0.56 178.5 38 2.7
    2.4 0.67 168 39 2.81 Y100L-2
    22 1 0.28 198 32 1.76 3
    2 0.56 187 38 2.84
    2.4 0.67 176 39 2.95 Y100L-2
    JGGC(QDL/QDL-N)4 2 3 0.83 17 2900 46 0.3 0.75 2 95
    4 1.11 16 48 0.36
    4.8 1.33 15 53 0.37 Y801-2
    3 3 0.83 22.5 46 0.45 0.75
    4 1.11 24 48 0.54
    4.8 1.33 22.5 53 0.55 Y801-2
    4 3 0.83 34 46 0.6 1.1
    4 1.11 32 48 0.73
    4.8 1.33 30 53 0.74 Y802-2
    5 3 0.83 42.5 46 0.75 1.1
    4 1.11 40 48 0.91
    4.8 1.33 37.5 53 0.92 Y802-2
    6 3 0.83 51 46 0.91 1.5
    4 1.11 48 48 1.09
    4.8 1.33 45 53 1.11 Y90S-2
    7 3 0.83 59.5 46 1.06 1.5
    4 1.11 56 48 1.27
    4.8 1.33 52.5 53 1.3 Y90S-2
    8 3 0.83 68 46 1.2 1.5
    4 1.11 64 48 1.45
    4.8 1.33 60 53 1.48 Y90L-2
    9 3 0.83 76.5 46 1.36 2.2
    4 1.11 72 48 1.64
    4.8 1.33 67.5 53 1.66 Y90L-2
    10 3 0.83 85 46 1.51 2.2
    4 1.11 80 48 1.81
    4.8 1.33 75 53 1.85 Y90L-2
    11 3 0.83 93.5 46 1.66 21
    4 1.11 88 48 2
    4.8 1.33 82.5 53 2.04 Y90L-2
    12 3 0.83 102 46 1.81 21
    4 1.11 96 48 1.18
    4.8 1.33 90 53 2.2 Y90L-2
    13 3 0.83 110 46 1.96 3.O
    4 1.11 104 48 2.36
    4.8 1.33 97 53 2.4 Y100l-2
    14 3 0.83 119 46 2.11 3
    4 1.11 112 48 2.54
    4.8 1.33 105 53 2.58 Y100L-2
    15 3 0.83 127 46 2.26 3
    4 1.11 120 48 2.73
    4.8 1.33 112 53 2.77 Y100L-2
    16 3 0.83 136 46 2.41 3
    4 1.11 128 48 2.91
    4.8 1.33 120 53 2.95 Y100L-2
    17 3 0.83 144 46 2.57 3
    4 1.11 136 48 3.08
    4.8 1.33 127 53 3.14 Y100L-2
    Model stages Qcapacity Hhead nrpm eff shaftpower Motor (NPSH)r D.oflmpet
    n m3/h l/s m r/min % KW Model m mm
    JGGC(QDL/QDL-N)4 18 3 0.83 153 2900 46 2.72 4 2 95
    4 1.11 144 48 3.27
    4.8 1.33 135 53 3.32 Y112M-2
    19 3 0.83 161 46 2.87 4
    4 1.11 152 48 3.45
    4.8 1.33 142 53 3.51 Y112M-2
    20 3 0.83 170 46 3.02 4
    4 1.11 160 48 3.63
    4.8 1.33 150 53 3.7 Y112M-2
    21 3 0.83 178 46 3.17 4
    4 1.11 168 48 3.82
    4.8 1.33 157 53 3.88 Y112M-2
    22 3 0.83 187 46 3.32 4
    4 1.11 176 48 3.99
    4.8 1.33 165 53 4.06 Y1122M-2
    JGGC(QDL/QDL-N)8 2 6 1.67 18 2900 52 0.56 1.1 2 98
    8 2.22 16 55 0.63
    10 2.78 13.6 57 0.65 Y802-2
    3 6 1.67 27 52 0.85 1.5
    8 2.22 24 55 0.95
    10 2.78 20.4 57 0.97 Y90S-2
    4 6 1.67 36 52 1.13 2.2
    8 2.22 32 55 1.27
    10 2.78 27.2 57 1.3 Y90L-2
    5 6 1.67 45 52 1.41 2.2
    8 2.22 40 55 1.58
    10 2.78 34 57 1.62 Y90L-2
    6 6 1.67 54 52 1.7 2.2
    8 2.22 48 55 1.9
    10 2.78 40.8 57 1.95 Y90L-2
    7 6 1.67 63 52 1.98 2.2
    8 2.22 56 55 2.22
    10 2.78 47.6 57 2.27 Y901-2
    8 6 1.67 72 52 2.26 3
    8 2.22 64 55 2.53
    10 2.78 54.4 57 2.6 Y100L-2
    9 6 1.67 81 52 2.54 3
    8 2.22 72 55 2.85
    10 2.78 61.2 57 2.92 Y100L-2
    10 6 1.67 90 52 2.83 4
    8 2.22 80 55 3.17
    10 2.78 68 57 3.25 Y"2M-2
    11 6 1.67 99 52 3.11 4
    8 2.22 88 55 3.48
    10 2.78 74.8 57 3.57 Y112M-2
    12 6 1.67 108 52 3.39 4
    8 2.22 96 55 3.8
    10 2.78 81.6 57 3.9 Y112M-2
    13 6 1.67 117 52 3.68 5.5
    8 2.22 104 55 4.12
    10 2.78 88.4 57 4.22 Y132S1-2
    14 6 1.67 126 52 3.96 5.5
    8 2.22 112 55 4.43
    10 2.78 951 57 4.55 Y132S1-2
    15 6 1.67 135 52 4.24 5.5
    8 2.22 120 55 4.75
    10 2.78 102 57 4.87 Y132S1-2
    16 6 1.67 143 52 4.52 5.5
    8 2.22 128 55 5.07
    10 2.78 109 57 5.2 Y132S1-2
    17 6 1.67 153 52 4.81 5.5
    8 2.22 136 55 5.39
    10 2.78 115 57 5.5 Y132S1-2
    18 6 1.67 162 52 5.09 7.5
    8 2.22 144 55 5.7
    10 2.78 122 57 5.85 Y132S2-2
    19 6 1.67 171 52 5.37 7.5
    8 2.22 152 55 6.02
    10 2.78 129 57 6.17 Y132S2-2
    20 6 1.67 180 52 5.65 7.5
    8 2.22 160 55 6.34
    10 2.78 136 57 6.5 Y132S2-2
    21 6 1.67 189 52 5.94 7.5
    8 2.22 168 55 6.65
    10 2.78 143 57 6.82 Y132S2-2
    22 6 1.67 198 52 6.22 7.5
    8 2.22 176 55 6.97
    10 2.78 150 57 7.14 Y132S2-2

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